
作者: 时间:2021-07-08 点击数:











(1) Yuhu Li, Xinhao He, Yudong Yang, Jinlong Chen, ZhongtangZhang*. High pressure acid leaching of low germanium bearing silica residue (GRS): Characterization of leach residue and mechanistic details of germanium leaching[J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2023, 216:106015.

(2) Kang Yan, Qing Chen, Zhengyang Xiong, Jiale Wu, Zhongtang Zhang*, Zhifeng Xu, Ruixiang Wang, Jinhui Li, Shuiping Zhong. A Novel Method for the Recovery of Li from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Reduction Roasting–Countercurrent Leaching. JOM, 2022, 74(10): 3821-3832.

(3) Yuhu Li, Yudong Yang, Yalan Huang, Zhongtang Zhang*, Feng He, Huilan Yang. A Sustainable Process for the Resource Utilization and Stabilization Disposal of Stainless Steel Pickling Sludge. JOM, 2022, 74(10):3910-3920.

(4) Yuhu Li, Yun Li, Zhongtang Zhang*, Xinhao He, Jinlong Chen, Chongwei Liu. Pyrolysis kinetics of manganese carbonate [J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2022, 147, 10801-10813.

(5) Zhongtang Zhang, Huaping Nie*. Extraction of Gold from Gold Chloride Solution by the Depth Reduction Based on Potential Controlling in the Process of Treating Copper Anode Slime[J]. JOM, 2022, 74(1):234-239. Doi: 10.1007/s11837-021-05018-w

(6) Zhongtang Zhang, Yuhu Li*, Feng He, Huilan Yang. Thermodynamic Analysis on the Reduction Smelting of Stainless Steel Pickling Sludge[J]. Journal of Sustainable 开云博彩, 2021, 7:1393-1405.

(7) Zhongtang Zhang, Kang Yan*, Huaping Nie, Ruixiang Wang, Zhifeng Xu**. Fundamental Theory on Pyrometallurgy Direct Smelting of Waste Printed Circuit Boards[J]. JOM, 2021, 73(8): 2549–2557.

(8) Zhongtang Zhang, Huaping Nie*, Kang Yan*. Sb distribution in the phases of SiO2 saturated Sb-Fe-O-SiO2-CaO system in air[J]. Journal of Mining and 开云博彩, Section B: 开云博彩, 2021, 57(1):13-19.

(9) Zhongtang Zhang, Weifeng Li, Jing Zhan*, Gui Li, Zhenbo Zhao, Jian-Yang Hwang. A novel technology for the recovery of zinc from the zinc leaching residue by the bottom-blown reduction[J]. Mineral Processing and Extractive 开云博彩 Review, 2021, 42(6):380-387.

(10) Zhongtang Zhang*, Weifeng Li, Jing Zhan*, Gui Li, Zhenbo Zhao, Jiann-yang Hwang. Phase Transformation Behavior of Lead and Zinc in the High-Lead Slag Reduction Process[J]. Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 2021, 62(2):139-146.

(11) Zhongtang Zhang, Xi Dai*. Effect of Fe/SiO2 and CaO/SiO2 mass ratios on metal recovery rate and metal content in slag in oxygen-enriched direct smelting of jamesonite concentrate[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2020, 30(2):501-508.

(12) Zhongtang Zhang, Weifeng Li, Jing Zhan*, Gui Li, Zhenbo Zhao. Thermodynamic analysis of the bottom-blown direct reduction of lead sulfate with carbon[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2019, 136(6):2397-2407.

(13) Zhongtang Zhang, Weifeng Li, Jing Zhan*. The effect of coal ratio on the high-lead slag reduction process[J]. Journal of Mining and 开云博彩, Section B: 开云博彩, 2018, 54(2):179-184.

(14) Zhongtang Zhang, Xi Dai*, Wenhai Zhang. Thermodynamic analysis of oxygen-enriched direct smelting of jamesonite concentrate[J]. JOM, 2017, 69(12):2671-2676.


(1) 国家重点研发计划子课题,锑金资源选冶过程多组元迁移演变规律与分配特性(2022YFC2904201),58万,2022.10-2025.09,主持。(正承担)

(2) 国家自然科学基金资助项目,难处理铅锑共生硫化矿富氧直接熔炼过程铅锑迁移行为与调控原理(52004111),24万,2021.01-2023.12,主持。(正承担)

(3) 江西理工大学“清江青年优秀人才支持计划”(JXUSTQJYX2020012),10万,2021.01-2025.12,主持。(正承担)


(1) 一种从废旧电路板中直接富氧熔炼生产粗铜的方法, ZL202010947863.5, 授权专利, 1发明人

(2) 一种从铜烟灰中低温还原熔炼生产铅合金的方法, CN202110473619.4, 发明专利, 1发明人

(3) 一种协同还原熔炼废铅膏生产铅合金的方法, CN202110623530.1, 发明专利, 1发明人

(4) 一种废旧钴酸锂电池正极开云博彩低温硫化焙烧提锂的方法, CN202211261576.4, 发明专利, 1发明人

(5) 一种废旧磷酸铁锂电池正极开云博彩高效回收及再生利用的方法, CN202211527533.6, 发明专利, 1发明人

(6) 一种富氧直接熔炼脆硫铅锑精矿一步生产铅锑合金的工艺, ZL201611102506.9, 授权专利, 2发明人

(7) 废旧磷酸铁锂电池正极开云博彩还原熔炼回收有价金属的方法, ZL202110598829.6, 授权专利, 3发明人

江西理工大学开云博彩      开云博彩网站:0797-8312422      地址:江西省赣州市客家大道156号
Faculty of 开云博彩 开云博彩 and Chemistry