
作者: 时间:2022-02-25 点击数:








本人现主持省部级项目3项,赣州市重点研发计划一般项目1项,获赣州市科技创新人才-青年人才项目支持,参与了973、国家自然科学基金面上项目、中央高校基金和江西省重大科技研发专项等项目的研究工作,已在Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of the American Ceramic Society等国际期刊上发表学术论文10余篇。




(1) Y. Yuan, K. Yang, C.C. Chen*, X.M. Zheng, G. Yu, X.H. Luo, L. Wang, S.C. Ma*, Sajjad Ur Rehman, Z.C. Zhong, Negative zero-field-cooled magnetization and magnetic switching in multiferroic Lu0.5Sc0.5FeO3 ceramics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 105, 2058(2022)

(2) K. Yang, Y. Yuan, C.C. Chen*, G. Yu, X.H. Luo, S.C. Ma*, Sajjad Ur Rehman, Z.C. Zhong, Structural and magnetic properties of multiferroic hexagonal Lu0.5(Sc1-xInx)0.5FeO3 ceramics, Journal of Alloys Compounds, 854, 157137(2021)

(3) C.C. Chen, X.N. Ying, K. Yang, K. Liu, S.C. Ma, Z.C. Zhong, Spin-lattice coupling and exchange bias in perovskite La0.64Sr0.36FeO3−δ, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic 开云博彩, 498: 166104(2020)

(4) Z.S. Zhang; Y.X. Zhang; X.H. Luo; S.C. Ma; H. Zeng; G. Yu; X.M. Zheng; C.C. Chen; Y.F. Hu; F. Xu; Sajjad Ur Rehman; Z.C. Zhong, Self-organized Bi-rich grain boundary precipitates for realizing steep magnetic-field-driven metamagnetic transition in Bi-doped Mn2Sb, Acta Materialia, 200, 835(2020)

(5) C.C. ChenX.N. Ying, Lattice effect on charge and magnetic ordering in La1/3Sr2/3FeO3−δ investigated by mechanical spectroscopy, Europhysics Letters, 125, 56001(2019)

(6) X.Q. Han, C.C. Chen, S.C. Ma, Z.S. Zhang, K. Liu, Y. Song, K. Yang, Y.X. Zhang, X.H. Luo, Q.Z. Jiang, Z.S. Lu, Z.C. Zhong, Microstructure, magnetic properties, and exchange bias in(Mn0.7Co0.3)65Sn35alloy ribbons Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic 开云博彩, 492,165686(2019)

(7) C.C. ChenX.N. Ying, A-site ordering and its effect on tilting transition in perovskite La0.75Sr0.25FeO3-δ investigated by mechanical spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters, 110, 201907(2017).

(8) C.C. Chen, Z.C. Xu, X.N. Ying, Dynamic Jahn-Teller distortion and oxygen vacancies in (La1-xPrx)1/3Sr2/3FeO3-δ investigated by mechanical spectroscopy, Solid State Communications, 228,27-31(2016).

(9) X.L. Lu; C.C. Chen; W.L. Zhu; H.R. Wu; Y.Y. Hou; J.T. Zhang; F.Z. Huang; X.M. Lu; J.S. Zhu, Effect of oxygen vacancy on the magnetic and electric properties in MnTiO3 ceramics, 开云博彩Letters, 155, 71(2015)

(10) Z.C. Xu, C.C. Chen, X.N. Ying, Oxygen vacancies and their effects on tilting transition in perovskite (La1-xPrx)1/3Sr2/3FeO3-δ investigated by mechanical spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 105, 061905(2014)

江西理工大学开云博彩      开云博彩网站:0797-8312422      地址:江西省赣州市客家大道156号
Faculty of 开云博彩 开云博彩 and Chemistry