
作者: 时间:2022-07-09 点击数:





出生年月:1973 8



· 多相流动与传热传质

· 非球形颗粒流动的基础研究

· 矿冶过程的数值模拟仿真、优化与智能化

· 粉末床增材制造(Powder bed fusion additive manufacturing)






[1] He, S.Y., Gan, J.Q., Pinson, D., Yu, A.B., Zhou, Z.Y., Particle shape-induced axial segregation of binary mixtures of spheres and ellipsoids in a rotating drum (2021) Chemical Engineering Science, 235, art. no. 116491.

[2] Li, E.L., Wang, L., Yu, A.B., Zhou, Z.Y., A three-phase model for simulation of heat transfer and melt pool behaviour in laser powder bed fusion process, (2021) Powder Technology, 381, pp. 298-312.

[3] Wang, L., Li, E.L., Shen, H., Zou, R.P., Yu, A.B., Zhou, Z.Y., Adhesion effects on spreading of metal powders in selective laser melting (2020) Powder Technology, 363, pp. 602-610.

[4] Shrestha, S., Kuang, S.B., Yu, A.B., Zhou, Z.Y. Bubble dynamics in bubbling fluidized beds of ellipsoidal particles, (2019) AIChE Journal, 65 (11), art. no. e16736.

[5] Abbaszadeh Molaei, E., Yu, A.B., Zhou, Z.Y. Investigation of causes of layer inversion and prediction of inversion velocity in liquid fluidizations of binary particle mixtures, (2019) Powder Technology, 342, pp. 418-432.

[6] Gan, J.Q., Zhou, Z.Y., Yu, AB.. CFD-DEM modeling of gas fluidization of fine ellipsoidal particles (2016) AIChE Journal, 62 (1), pp. 62-77.  

[7] Yang, W.J., Zhou, Z.Y., Pinson, D., Yu, A.B. A New Approach for Studying Softening and Melting Behavior of Particles in a Blast Furnace Cohesive Zone (2015) Metallurgical and 开云博彩 Transactions B: Process 开云博彩 and 开云博彩 Processing Science, 46 (2), pp. 977-992.

[8] Zhou, Z.Y., Zou, R.P., Pinson, D., Yu, A.B. Angle of repose and stress distribution of sandpiles formed with ellipsoidal particles (2014) Granular Matter, 16 (5), pp. 695-709.

[9] Hou, Q.F., Zhou, Z.Y., Yu, A.B. Micromechanical modeling and analysis of different flow regimes in gas fluidization (2012) Chemical Engineering Science, 84, pp. 449-468.

[10] Zhou, Z.Y., Pinson, D., Zou, R.P., Yu, A.B. Discrete particle simulation of gas fluidization of ellipsoidal particles (2011) Chemical Engineering Science, 66 (23), pp. 6128-6145.

[11] Zhou, Z.Y., Zou, R.P., Pinson, D., Yu, A.B. Dynamic simulation of the packing of ellipsoidal particles (2011) Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 50 (16), pp. 9787-9798.

[12] Zhou, Z.Y., Kuang, S.B., Chu, K.W., Yu, A.B. Discrete particle simulation of particle-fluid flow: Model formulations and their applicability (2010) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 661, pp. 482-510.

[13] Zhou, Z.Y., Yu, A.B., Zulli, P. Particle scale study of heat transfer in packed and bubbling fluidized beds (2009) AIChE Journal, 55 (4), pp. 868-884.

[14] Zhu, H.P., Zhou, Z.Y., Yang, R.Y., Yu, A.B. Discrete particle simulation of particulate systems: A review of major applications and findings (2008) Chemical Engineering Science, 63 (23), pp. 5728-5770.

[15] Zhu, H.P., Zhou, Z.Y., Yang, R.Y., Yu, A.B. Discrete particle simulation of particulate systems: Theoretical developments (2007) Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (13), pp. 3378-3396.


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目52276154高温下铁矿石颗粒软熔机制及烧结过程多尺度数值模拟研究2023/01-2026/12。

[2] 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,U1560205,颗粒尺度下的高炉数学模型的开发与应用,2016/01-2019/12。

[3] 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,91534206,颗粒系统介观尺度平均理论:理论建立及其在复杂体系中的应用,2016-2019

[4] 澳大利亚科研理事会, ARC LP160100819, Particle scale modelling of particle-fluid flows in gas and oil extraction, 2016-2019

[5] 澳大利亚科研理事会, ARC LP150100112, Multiscale study of raceway operations for low-cost and stable ironmaking, 2016-2019

[6] 澳大利亚科研理事会,ARC IH140100035ARC Research Hub for Computational Particle Technology, 2016-2022

[7] 澳大利亚科研理事会,ARC IH130100017ARC Research Hub for Australian Steel Manufacturing2016-2021

[8] 澳大利亚科研理事会,ARC LP130100132 (size segregation and its prediction in granular free-surface flows2014-2017

[9] 澳大利亚科研理事会,ARC LP0776712 ARC Postdoctoral fellowship Model studies of the flow and thermal behaviour of non-spherical particles in fluid bed reactors2007-2010

江西理工大学开云博彩      开云博彩网站:0797-8312422      地址:江西省赣州市客家大道156号
Faculty of 开云博彩 开云博彩 and Chemistry