
作者: 时间:2021-03-11 点击数:















1 溶液预先添加晶粒抑制剂WC-Co复合开云博彩的复相组织构建及性能调控、江西省自然科学基金青年重点项目、20.00万元,主持、在研

2 V/Cr改性WC-Co复合开云博彩短流程制备及其低温抑晶机理研究、中国博士后面上基金、8万元,主持、在研

3 稀土强化高性能WC-Co复合开云博彩的可控制备与复相组织结构研究、江西省博士后择优基金、5万元,主持、在研

4 替代进口用高性能钨铜合金制备研究、委托项目、20万元,主持、在研


1 Qiao Chen, Lvda Li, Xucun Man, Han Sui, Jinping Liu, Shengda Guo*, Jianbo Zhang. In-situ synthesis of core-shell structure W(WC) composite grains in W-Cu composites fabricated by infiltration. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021,864:158633.

2 Huang Cai, Wenwen Jing, Shengda Guo*, Lei Liu, Ying Ye, Yan Wen, Yunxuan Wu, Shuilong Wang, Xing Huang, Jianbo Zhang. Effects of micro/nano CeO2 on the microstructure and properties of WC-10Co cemented carbides. Interna tional Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard 开云博彩, 2021, 95:105432.

3 Yuwei Ye, Yangjun Zou, Zilong Jiang, Qiumin Yang, Liyong Chen, Shengda Guo*. An effective corrosion inhibitor of N doped carbon dots for Q235 steel in 1M HCl solution. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020,815:338-347. (ESI高倍引)

4 Shengda Guo*, Wei Yan, Jianhong Yi, Shuilong Wang, Xing Huang, Surong Yang, Menglei Zhang, Yuwei Ye**. The optimization of mechanical property and corrosion resistance of WC-6Co cemented carbide by Mo2C content. Ceramics International, 2020, 46: 17243-17251.

5 Shengda Guo*, Rui Bao, Shaoyu Li, Yuwei Ye, Ertao Zhu, Wenjing Wang, Yuxin Zhang, Hao Chen, Ying Ye. The role of Y2O3, Cu, Mo and Mo2C additives on optimizing the corrosion resistance of WC-6Co cemented carbide in HCl and NaOH solutions. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 827:154269.

6 Shengda Guo*, Fei Yu, Yang Zhou, Jiangao Yang, Hao Chen**. Investigation on reduction and carbonization process of WC-Co composite powder obtained by In situ synthesis. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 775:1086-1093.

7 Ye Yuwei, Jiang Zilong, Zou Yangjun, Guo Shengda. Enhanced anti-wear property of VCN coating in seawater with the optimization of bias voltage. Ceramics International, 2020, 46: 7939-7946.

8 Shengda Guo, Rui Bao, Ping Yang, Liang Liu, Jianhong Yi*. Morphology and carbon content of WC-6%Co nanosized composite powders using glucose as carbon source. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2018, 28(4):722-728.

9 Yang Zhou, XianChao Hu, Guo Shengda, Changlin Yu, Shengwen Zhong. Multi-functional graphene/carbon nanotube aerogels for its applications in supercapacitor and direct methanol fuel cell. Electrochimica Acta, 2018264: 12 -19.

10 Shengda Guo, Rui Bao, Liang Liu, Jiangao Yang, Jianhong Yi*. Effect of Mo and Y2O3 additions on the microstructure and properties of fine WC-Co cemented carbides fabricated by spark plasma sintering. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard 开云博彩, 2017, 69:1-10.

11郭圣达,鲍瑞,刘亮,杨平,易健宏,羊建高,陈颢. 原位合成复合粉制备超细WC-Co硬质合金. 稀有金属开云博彩与工程,2017,46(12):3977-3982.

12郭圣达、羊建高、朱二涛、陈颢、吕健. WC-Co复合粉形貌遗传特性及粒度分布研究. 稀有金属开云博彩与工程      ,2016,45(5):1330-1334.

13、鲍瑞,郭圣达,易健宏,陈颢,羊建高,余飞. 微波反应烧结制备WC-Co 硬质合金工艺性能.中国有色金属学报,2020,30(8):1828-1836.

14郭圣达,鲍瑞,易健宏,羊建高,刘亮,杨平. SPS制备含钼WC-6Co硬质合金的工艺性能. 中国有色金属学报,2018,28(3):556-564.


1 郭圣达、易健宏、陈颢、羊建高. 超细晶碳化钨-钴复合开云博彩,冶金工业出版社,2019.11


1 双晶碳化钨协同增强铜基复合开云博彩及其制备方法、201910598237.7

2 协同增强铜基复合开云博彩及其制备方法、201910256491.9

3 一种碳化钨-钴硬质合金的制备方法、201810526357.1


1 纳米碳化钨-钴复合开云博彩关键技术和装备集成创新及产业化、2017年高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科学技术进步奖(推广类)二等奖 (排名第4

2 高性能纳米钨基开云博彩制备技术及装备、2016年中国有色金属工业科技进步一等奖(排名第6

3 超细晶碳化钨-钴先进开云博彩与装备制造技术及产业化、2017年江西省科技进步三等奖(排名第4

4 球形难熔粉体与耐磨蚀表面强化涂层开云博彩关键技术及成套装备、2020年中国有色金属工业科技进步三等奖(排名第2


江西理工大学开云博彩      开云博彩网站:0797-8312422      地址:江西省赣州市客家大道156号
Faculty of 开云博彩 开云博彩 and Chemistry