Institute of Green Catalysis Process and Application

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Institute of Green Catalysis Process and Application

1. Introduction

This research institute mainly focuses on the efficient utilization of characteristic resources such as tungsten and rare earth in Jiangxi Province, the development of new green and efficient catalytic materials such as tungsten and rare earth, and their application in environmental purification, new energy catalytic conversion and other fields. Research interests: heterogeneous catalysis and first principles calculation, energy and environmental catalysis, green chemistry, application of luminescent materials in photocatalysis.

The team has a strong academic atmosphere, with 9 researchers, including 1 professor, 6 associate professors and 9 doctors. The two have overseas study experience in Australia and the United States. In the past five years, the team has undertaken more than 10 National Natural Science Foundation projects and more than 20 provincial and ministerial level funds. In recent 5 years, the team has published more than 100 high-level SCI papers in advanced materials, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, applied catalysis B, biosource technology, applied energy, fuel, JMCC, Journal of catalysis, small and jmca.

The team has maintained frequent and close cooperation and exchanges with Tsinghua University, Xiamen University and Fuzhou University. In recent five years, it has won one first prize and one second prize of Jiangxi natural science, three first prizes of science and technology achievements of Jiangxi colleges and universities, and two Ganzhou Youth Science and technology awards. Published 2 Chinese monographs and 5 English Monographs. The team has trained 20 postgraduates, and many of them have been admitted to Xiamen University, Fuzhou University and other doctoral candidates. At present, the experimental room covers an area of nearly 1000 m2, with a total equipment value of nearly 20 million yuan, including crystal diffractometer, ultraviolet visible spectrometer, fluorescence spectrometer, impedance/gain phase analyzer, solar cell spectral performance tester, magnetron sputtering coater, single crystal growth furnace, electrochemical workstation, etc.

2. Faculty



Post   Title

Degree   and Major

School   of Graduation

Shu   Qing



Phd./Chemical   engineering

Tsinghua   University

Chen   Xirong


Associate   Professor

Ph.D./Industrial   catalysis

South   China University of Technology

Huang   Weiya


Associate   Professor

Ph.D./Inorganic   chemistry

Jinan   University

Zhu   Lihua


Associate   Professor

Ph.D./Industrial   catalysis

Xiamen   University

Yang   Kai


Associate   Professor

Ph.D./Physical   chemistry

Fuzhou   University

Xu   Baoquan


Associate   Professor


Lanzhou   University

Deng   Tao



Ph.D./Physical   chemistry

East   China Normal University

Chen   Lianping


Associate   Professor

Ph.D./开云博彩   of Physics and chemistry

Sichuan University

Lu Kangqiang



Ph.D./Physical   chemistry

Fuzhou University

3.Scientific Research Achievements

(1) Projects

[1] National Natural Science Foundation project, design and performance control of carbon nanotubes modified solid acid catalyst based on biodiesel (21766009), 2018 / 01-2021 / 12.

[2] Regional project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, preparation of carbon based supported rare earth modified heteropoly acid salt and Mechanism Research on Catalytic Synthesis of biodiesel from waste oil (21460013), 2015 / 01-2018 / 12.

[3] Youth project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, preparation of rare earth modified carbon based solid acid and mechanism of catalytic synthesis of biodiesel from waste oil (21206062), 2013 / 01-2015 / 12.

[4] Youth project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, construction of up conversion nalnf4 (LN = y, Gd, La and CE) @ wo3-x-au materials and their visible near infrared photocatalytic activity (21707055), January 2018 to December 2020.

[5] Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, construction of new structure runico based catalyst and Study on its catalytic hydrogenation synergistic mechanism (21763011), 2018 / 01-2021 / 12.

[6] Youth project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, microstructure regulation and efficient phosphorus removal mechanism of hollow mesoporous silica spheres activated by La3 + (21607064), 2017 / 01-2019 / 12.

[7] Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Science Foundation, research on electrochemical preparation technology of rare earth modified tungstate luminescent thin films ((50802036)), 2009 / 01-2011 / 12.

[8] Major project of Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Youth Foundation, research on the mechanism of ultrasound enhanced synthesis of biodiesel from waste oil catalyzed by carbon based supported rare earth Heteropolyacid (20143acb21018), 2015 / 01-2017 / 12.

[9] Key project of Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation, research on synergistic mechanism and structure-activity relationship of nm / TM / tmoh / C nano catalyst for catalytic hydrogenation (20171acb21041), 2017 / 01-2019 / 12.

[10] Supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, research on multi metal nanostructure regulation and its catalytic hydrogenation performance and synergistic mechanism (2018m642597), 2018 / 01-2019 / 10.

[11] Key project of Jiangxi Provincial Department of science and technology, industrial production technology of phycocyanin in Spirulina (20171acf60008), 2018 / 01-2021 / 12.

(2) Papers

[1] Shu Qing*, Zou Wenqiang, He Jjiangfan, et al. Preparation of the F--SO42-/MWCNTs catalyst and kinetic studies of the biodiesel production via esterification reaction of oleic acid and methanol[J]. Renewable Energy, 2019, 135: 836-845. (SCI)

[2] Shu Qing, Tang Guoqiang, Lesmana Herry, et al. Preparation, characterization and application of a novel solid Brönsted acid catalyst SO42-/La3+/C for biodiesel production via esterification of oleic acid and methanol[J]. Renewable Energy, 2018, 119: 253-261. (SCI)

[3] Shu Qing, Tang Guoqiang, Liu Fengsheng, et al. Study on the preparation, characterization of a novel solid Lewis acid Al3+-SO42-/MWCNTs catalyst and its catalytic performance for the synthesis of biodiesel via esterification reaction of oleic acid and methanol[J]. Fuel, 2017, 209: 290-298. (SCI)

[4] Shu Qing, Hou Xiaopeng, Tang Guoqiang, et al. Preparation and characterization of multi walled carbon nanotubes catalyst modified by fluorine ion and sulfonation and its catalytic performance for esterification to synthesize methyl oleate [J]. Journal of inorganic chemistry, 2016, 32 (10): 1791-1801 (SCI)

[5] Shu Qing, Yuan Hong, Liu Bao, et al. Synthesis of biodiesel from model acidic oil catalyzed by a novel solid acid catalyst SO42-/C/Ce4+[J]. Fuel, 2015, 143: 547-554 (SCI).

[6] Shu Qing, Yu Changlin, Cai Dingjian, et al. Application of mixture topological index method to predict the dynamic viscosity of the hypothetical acidic oils-based biodiesel fuels[J]. Renewable Energy, 2012, 41: 152-158 (SCI).

[7] Shu Qing, Gao Jixian, Liao Yuhui, et al. Reaction kinetics of biodiesel synthesis from waste oil using a carbon-based solid acid catalyst[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011, 1: 163-16 (SCI).

[8] Shu Qing, Gao Jixian, Liao Yuhui, et al. Estimation of the Sauter mean diameter for biodiesels by the mixture topological index[J]. Renewable Energy, 2011, 2: 482-487 (SCI).

[9] Shu Qing, Nawaz Zeeshan, Gao Jixian, et al. Synthesis of biodiesel from waste oil feedstocks using a carbon-based solid acid catalyst: reaction and separation[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101: 5374-5384 (SCI).

[10] Shu Qing, Gao Jixian, Nawaz Zeeshan, et al. Synthesis of biodiesel from waste vegetable oil with large amounts of free fatty acids using a carbon-based solid acid catalyst[J]. Applied Energy, 2010, 87: 2589-2596 (SCI).

[11] Shu Qing, Zhang Qiang, Xu Guanghui, et al. Synthesis of biodiesel from cottonseed oil and methanol using a carbon-based solid acid catalyst[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2009, 90:1002-1008 (SCI).

[12] Shu Qing, Zhang Qiang, Xu Guanghui, et al. Preparation of biodiesel using s-MWCNT catalysts and the coupling of reaction and separation[J]. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 2009, 87: 164-170 (SCI).

[13] Shu Qing, Wang Jinfu, Peng Baoxiang, et al. Predicting the surface tension of biodiesel fuels by a mixture topological index method, at 313 K[J]. Fuel, 2008, 87: 3586-3590 (SCI)

[14] Shu Qing, Yang Bolun, Yuan Hong, et al. Synthesis of biodiesel from soybean oil and methanol catalyzed by zeolite beta modified with La3+[J].Catalysis Communications, 2007, 8: 2159-2165 (SCI).

[15] Shu Qing, Yang Bolun, Yang Jiming, et al. Predicting the viscosity of biodiesel fuels Based on mixture topological index method[J]. Fuel, 2007, 86: 1849-1854 (SCI).

[16] Shu Qing, Yang bolun, Wang fuan. Prediction of the physical properties for the ionic liquid based on topological index[J]. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2005, 24: 1083-1087 (SCI)

[17] Cai Dingjian,Shu Qing*, Xu Baoquan, et al. Orthogonal test design for optimization of the extraction of flavonid from the Fructus Gardeniae[J]. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2011, 24: 688-693 (SCI).

[18] Lihua Zhu,* Shiyao Shan, Valeri Petkov, Weiwei Hu, Anna Kroner, Jinbao Zheng, Changlin Yu, Nuowei Zhang, Yunhua Li, Rafael Luque,* Chuan-Jian Zhong, Hengqiang Ye, Zhiqing Yang,* Bing H. Chen.* Journal of 开云博彩 Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 7869-7875. (SCI, IF=9.931)

[19] Lihua Zhu, Yingying Jiang, Jinbao Zheng, Nuowei Zhang, Changlin Yu, Yunhua Li, Chih-Wen Pao, Jeng-Lung Chen, Chuanhong Jin, Jyh-Fu Lee,* Chuan-Jian Zhong,* Bing H. Chen.* Small, 2015, 11, 4385-4393. (SCI, IF=9.598)

[20] Lihua Zhu, Zhiqing Yang,* Jinbao Zheng,* Weiwei Hu, Nuowei Zhang, Yunhua Li, Chuan-Jian Zhong, Hengqiang Ye, Bing H. Chen.* Journal of 开云博彩 Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 11716-11719. (SCI, IF=9.931)

[21] Lihua Zhu,* Jingjing Cui, Huan Zhang, Luna Ruan, Nan Ma, Laixi Zou, Tao Deng, Bing Hui Chen,* Qiang Xiao,* ChemCatChem, 2019, Accepted. (SCI, IF=4.674)

[22] Lihua Zhu,* Huan Zhang, Weiwei Hu, Jinbao Zheng, Nuowei Zhang, Changlin Yu, Hengqiang Ye, Zhiqing Yang,* Bing Hui Chen,* ChemCatChem, 2018, 10, 1998-2002. (SCI, IF=4.674)

[23] Lihua Zhu,* Tuo Zheng, Jinbao Zheng, Changlin Yu, Nuowei Zhang, Qi Liao, Qing Shu, Bing H. Chen,* CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 3430-3438. (SCI, IF=3.304)

[24] Lihua Zhu,* Huan Zhang, Laifu Zhong, Jinbao Zheng, Changlin Yu, Nuowei Zhang, Bing Hui Chen*, Fuel, 2018, 216, 208-217. (SCI, IF=4.908)

[25] Lihua Zhu,* Tuo Zheng, Jinbao Zheng, Changlin Yu, Nuowei Zhang, Qiongyu Zhou, Wen Zhang, Bing Hui Chen, CrystEngComm, 2018, 20, 113-121. (SCI, IF=3.304)

[26] Lihua Zhu,* Tuo Zheng, Changlin Yu, Jinbao Zheng, Zhenbiao Tang, Nuowei Zhang, Qing Shu, Bing H. Chen.* Applied Surface Science, 2017, 409, 29-34. (SCI, IF=4.439)

[27] Lihua Zhu,* Tuo Zheng, Jinbao Zheng, Changlin Yu, Qiongyu Zhou, Jingrong Hua, Nuowei Zhang, Qing Shu, Bing H. Chen.* Applied Surface Science, 2017, 423, 836-844. (SCI, IF=4.439)

[28] Lihua Zhu,* Hanlei Sun, Jinbao Zheng, Changlin Yu,* Nuowei Zhang, Qing Shu, Bing H. Chen.* 开云博彩 Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 192, 8-16. (SCI, IF=2.210)

[29] Lihua Zhu, Hanlei Sun, Hao Fu, Jinbao Zheng,* Nuowei Zhang, Yunhua Li, Bing H. Chen.* Applied Catalysis A: General, 2015, 499, 124-132. (SCI, IF=4.521)

[30] Lihua Zhu,* Jinbao Zheng, Changlin Yu, Nuowei Zhang, Qing Shu, Hua Zhou, Yunhua Li, Bing H. Chen.* RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 13110-13119. (SCI, IF=2.936)

[31] Lihua Zhu, Maohong Cao, Li Li, Hanlei Sun, Yanqing Tang, Nuowei Zhang, Jinbao Zheng,* Hua Zhou, Yunhua Li, Lefu Yang, Chuan-Jian Zhong, Bing H. Chen.* ChemCatChem, 2014, 6, 2039-2046. (SCI, IF=4.674)

[32] Lihua Zhu, Maohong Cao, Hua Zhou, Nuowei Zhang, Jinbao Zheng,* Yunhua Li, Bing H. Chen.* Catalysis Letters, 2014, 144, 1188-1196. (SCI, IF=2.911)

[33] Lihua Zhu, Li Zheng, Kunqiao Du, Hao Fu, Yunhua Li, Guirong You, Bing H. Chen.* RSC Advances, 2013, 3, 713-719. (SCI, IF=2.936)

[34] Xiangling Deng,1 Lihua Zhu,* Huan Zhang, Anna Kroner, Jinbao Zheng, Nuowei Zhang, Jun He,* Bing Hui Chen.* International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, In press. (1 These authors contributed equally to this work, SCI, IF=4.229)

[35] Abdul-Rauf Ibrahim,1 Lihua Zhu,1 Jing Xu, Yanzhen Hong, Yuzhong Su, Hongtao Wang, Binghui. Chen, Jun Li.* The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2014, 92, 190-196. (1 These authors contributed equally to this work, SCI, IF=3.122)

[36] Lihua Zhu,* Jingjing Cui, Luna Ruan, Huan Zhang, Changlin Yu, Bing Hui Chen,* Qiang Xiao,* ChemistrySelect, 2019, Accepted. (SCI, IF=1.505)

[37] Lihua Zhu, Hanlei Sun, Zhikai Cao, Jinbao Zheng, Nuowei Zhang, Bing H. Chen.* CIESC. Journal, 2015, 66, 3091-3097. (EI)

[38] Kai Yang, Xiaoxiao Li, Debin Zeng, Fanyun Chen, Changlin Yu, Kailian Zhang, Weiya Huang. Review on Heterophase/Homophase Junctions for Efficient Photocatalysis: the Case of Phase Transition Construction[J]. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, in press. (SCIIF=3.525)

[39] Debin Zeng, Kai Yang*, Changlin Yu*, Fanyun Chen, XiaoXiao Li, Zhen Wu, Hong Liu*. Phase transformation and microwave hydrothermal guided a novel double Z-scheme ternary vanadate heterojunction with highly efficient photocatalytic performance[J]. Applied Catalysis B Environmental, 2018, 237: 449463. (SCIIF=11.68)

[40] Kai Yang, Junfeng Liu, Ruiru Si, Xun Chen, Wenxin Dai*, Xianzhi Fu*. Comparative study of Au/TiO2and Au/Al2O3for oxidizing CO in the presence of H2 under visible light irradiation[J].Journal of Catalysis, 2014, 317: 229-239. (SCIIF=6.92)

[41] Kai Yang, Kun Huang, Zhoujun He, Xun Chen, Xianzhi Fu, Wenxin Dai*. Promoted effect of PANI as electron transfer promoter on CO oxidation over Au/TiO2[J].Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2014, 158: 250-257.(SCIIF=11.68)

[42] Kai Yang, Yongfan Zhang, Yi Li, Pan Huang, Xun Chen, Wenxin Dai*, Xianzhi Fu. Insight into the Origin and Nature of Alkaline Earth Metal Oxide as Electron Promoter over Au/TiO2 toward CO Oxidation[J]. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2016, 183: 206215. (SCIIF=11.68)

[43] Kai Yang, Kun Huang, Liuliu Lin, Xun Chen, Wenxin Dai*, Xianzhi Fu*. Superior preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide in hydrogen-rich stream under visible light irradiation over gold loaded hedgehog-shaped titanium dioxide nanospheres: Identification of copper oxide decoration as an efficient promoter[J].Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 284: 194-205. (SCIIF=6.945)

[44] Kai Yang,Yujuan Zhang,Chao Meng,FangFang Cao,Xun Chen,Xianzhi Fu,Wenxin Dai,Changlin Yu.Well-crystallized ZnCo2O4nanosheets as a new-style support of Au catalyst for high efficient CO preferential oxidation in H2 stream under visible light irradiation[J].Applied Surface Science, 391 (2017) 635644. (SCIIF=4.439)

[45] Kai Yang, Yunxing Li, Kun Huang, Xun Chen, Xianzhi Fu, Wenxin Dai.Promoted effect of PANI on the preferential oxidation of CO in the presence of H2over Au/TiO2under visible light irradiation[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2014, 39: 1831218325.(SCIIF=4.229)

[46] Kai Yang, Chao Meng, Liuliu Lin, Xiaoying Peng, Xun Chen,Xuxu Wang, Wenxin Dai, Xianzhi Fu. Heterostructured engineering of TiO2-C3N4microspheres on gold catalysts toward a superiorpreferential oxidation of CO in the presence of H2under visible light irradiation or not[J]. Catalysis Science & Technology2016, 6: 829839.(SCIIF=5.365)

[47] W. Y. Huang, S.H. Wang, Q. Zhou, X. Liu, X. R. Chen, K. Yang, C. L. Yu, D. Li, Constructing novel ternary composites of carbon quantum dots/Bi2MoO6/graphitic nanofibers with tunable band structure and boosted photocatalytic activity, Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 217: 195-205 (SCI, IF = 3.927)

[48] W.Y. Huang, Y.M. Zhang, D. Li. Adsorptive removal of phosphate from water using mesoporous materials: A review, Journal of Environmental Management,2017, 193: 470-482(IF = 4.010)

[49] W.Y. Huang, X. Yu, J. Tang, Y. Zhu, Y. Zhang, D. Li. Enhanced adsorption of phosphate by flower-like mesoporous silica spheres loaded with lanthanum, Microporous and Mesoporous 开云博彩, 2015, 217: 225-232 (IF = 3.349)

[50] W.Y. Huang, X. Yu, D. Li, Adsorption removal of Congo red over flower-like porous microspheres derived from Ni/Al layered double hydroxide, RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 84937-84946 (IF = 3.108)

[51] W.Y. Huang, J. Chen, F. He, J.P. Tang, D. Li, Y. Zhu, Y.M. Zhang. Effective phosphate adsorption by Zr/Al-pillared montmorillonite: insight into equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamics. Applied Clay Science, 2015, 104: 252-260 (IF =2.586)

[52] FAN Qi-Zhe, LIAO Chun-Fa, LI Zhi-Feng, et al. Distinct role of La doping in regulating the photo-oxidation and reduction of BiOBr Nanosheet, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2018,34(11):2115-2126.. SCI.

[53] Fan Qizhe, Chen Xin, Chen Fanyun, et al. Regulating the stability and bandgap structure of BiOBr during thermo-transformation via La doping, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 481, 564-575. SCI.

[54] Lian-Ping Chen, Yuan-Hong Gao, Xiao-Lin Liu. Influences of KMnO4on the synthesis and properties of CaWO4thin films prepared by galvanic cell methods, 开云博彩 Chemistry and Physics, 2014, 146:363-368.

[54] Lianping Chen,Yuanhong Gao. Electro-deposition of luminescent molybdate and tungstate thin films via a cell route, 开云博彩 Chemistry and Physics, 2009, 116: 242-246.

[55] Lianping Chen,Yuanhong Gao, Jiliang Zhu. Luminescent properties of BaWO4thin films prepared by cell electrochemical technique, materials letters, 2008, 62: 3434-3436.

[56] Lianping Chenand Yuanhong Gao. Mechanisms and applications of cell electrochemical technique to prepare luminescent SrMoO4thin films, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2007, 131: 181-185.

[57] B. He,* T. Deng, J. Li,* et al., An innovative auto-catalytic esterification for production of phytosterol esters: experiment and kinetics. RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 64319 (SCIIF=3.1).

[58] T. Deng, Y. Lu* et al., Catalytic distillation for ethyl acetate synthesis using microfibrous -structured Nafion-SiO2/SS-fiber solid acid packings. React. Chem. Eng., 2016, 1, 409 (SCIIF=4.64).

[59] T. Deng, Y. Lu* et al. Catalytic distillation for esterification of acetic acid with ethanol: promising SS-fiber@HZSM-5 catalytic packings and experimental optimization via response surface methodology. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 2018, 93, 827 (SCIIF=3.15).

[60] T. Deng, Y. Lu* et al.Catalytic distillation for one-step cyclohexyl acetate production and cyclohexene-cyclohexane separation via esterification of cyclohexene with acetic acid over microfibrous-structured Nafion-SiO2/SS-fiber packings. Chem. Eng. Process. (SCIIF=2.83).

[61] C. Wang, J. Ding, G. Zhao, T. Deng, Y. Lu*, Microfibrous-structured Pd/AlOOH/Al-fiber for CO coupling to dimethyl oxalate: effect of morphology of AlOOH nanosheet endogenously grown on Al-fiber. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 9795 (SCIIF=7.5).

[62] J. Ding, S. Fan, P. Chen, T. Deng, Y. Lu*. Vapor-phase transport synthesis of microfibrous structured SS-fiber@ZSM-5 catalyst with improved selectivity and stability for methanol to propylene. Catal. Sci. Technol., 2017, 7, 2087 (SCIIF=5.77).

4.Experimental Equipments

Gas chromatography1

Catalyst performance evaluation device


Gas chromatography2

Gas chromatography






  Liquid chromatography


Liquid chromatography

江西理工大学开云博彩      开云博彩网站:0797-8312422      地址:江西省赣州市客家大道156号
Faculty of 开云博彩 开云博彩 and Chemistry